Archive | Stress & Fatigue

Tobacco Cravings

Our Experience The homeopathic treatment is compatible with nicotine patches. The first weeks of tobacco weaning are often difficult, even when the patient is motivated. Symptoms such as nervousness, sleeplessness, constipation, increased appetite and weight gain are frequent. The homeopathic treatment addresses all of these symptoms. Our Recommendations Drink water rich in magnesium to reduce […]

Stress, Apprehension, Stage Fright

Our Experience Homeopathy is especially useful as a first line of treatment because it doesn’t affect alertness. Our Recommendations Learn how to relax. Try taking deep breaths. Exercise three times a week (walking, jogging, biking, swimming, etc.). Reduce your intake of coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco and other excitants. Therapeutic Background Herbs – Valerian, kava, passion […]

Sleep Disorders

Our Experience Pharmaceutical counseling is limited to short-term sleep problems. If the problem lasts more than two weeks or worsens, refer the patient to a doctor. A good night’s sleep requires stress management during the day. The homeopathic treatment should be taken during the daytime as well. Our Recommendations Keep a consistent sleep schedule. Adopt […]

Motion Sickness

Our Experience The homeopathic treatment is non-drowsy and does not affect alertness. Our Recommendations Think about relieving any apprehensions before the trip. Eat before your trip to avoid traveling on an empty stomach, but do not eat too much. When traveling by car, sit in the front and drive when possible. When traveling by boat, […]

Jet Lag Disorders

Our Experience The further the travel, the more severe the jet lag symptoms. It usually takes one day to recover for each time zone crossed. Symptoms include muscle soreness, digestive troubles, feeling unwell, nausea, fatigue and loss of focus. Our Recommendations Take the homeopathic treatment at the beginning of the journey. Use sunlight to reset […]

Fatigue, Overworked

Our Experience Fatigue is a symptom of many different conditions: infectious diseases, hormonal disorders, grief, depression, etc. Our Recommendations Go to bed early because the first cycle of sleep is the most restful one. Eat a balanced and varied diet. Do not try to lose weight when you are tired. Therapeutic Background Multi-vitamins. ⚠ Magnesium: […]