Archive | Skin


Our Experience The homeopathic treatment usually provides results within two months. If there is no improvement, discontinue it. Our Recommendations Wear flip flops in locker rooms and showers and near swimming pools to avoid contamination. Keep your feet dry and clean. Do not pick at the warts; this may spread the virus. Soak the wart […]

Skin Irriations, Minor Wounds

Our Experience Calendula (Garden marigold) stimulates wound healing. A lotion can be spread over large areas. An ointment has the most moisturizing effect. A cream is well-adapted to sensitive or thin skin. A gel is water-based and non-greasy, but does not keep the skin moisturized. Our Recommendations Damaged skin and small wounds must always be […]

Prickly Heat (Miliaria Rubra)

Our Experience Prickly heat (also known as heat rash or miliaria) is more prevalent in tropical and subtropical zones. Homeopathic treatment can decrease the rash and itching at the first stages of prickly heat. Our Recommendations Avoid intense physical activities or occlusive clothing, especially for children, to decrease the risk of rash. Take cold showers, […]

Polymorphic Light Eruption

Our Experience The homeopathic treatment reduces the risk of eruption when taken before sun exposure. Our Recommendations Progressively increase sun exposure and avoid the hottest hours (between noon and 4 p.m.) Recommend a sunscreen with a SPF 30 or higher that works against both UVA and UVB rays. Reapply every two hours and after each […]

Molluscum Contagiosum

Our Experience Molluscum contagiosum is often observed in children who are frequently in a swimming pool (poxvirus dermatitis). The homeopathic treatment may avoid a painful removal by a dermatologist. Our Recommendations ⚠ Lesions are very contagious. Therapeutic Background Surgical removal by scraping, freezing (cryotherapy) or laser therapy is often painful and recurring.

Juvenile Acne

Our Experience The homeopathic treatment can be recommended either at the first signs of acne or, if needed, after the completion of an allopathic treatment. Our Recommendations Hygiene: Cleanse the skin with mild products in order to avoid irritation or the increase of sebaceous secretion. Recommend a water-based, noncomedogenic cleanser. Keep the skin moisturized to […]

Insect Bites And Stings

Our Experience The homeopathic treatment of Ledum palustre 6C does not prevent mosquito bites, but it does reduce the effect of the bite. Our Recommendations Use mosquito nets and repellants, especially at dusk. Remove the bee sting with tweezers and disinfect the wound. Do not scratch the affected area. Therapeutic Background Local and general antihistamines. […]

Frostnip, Chilblains

Our Experience Frostnip is a superficial cooling of tissue without lesions. Chilblains are superficial ulcers caused by suddenly heating a part of the body (fingers or toes) that has been exposed to cold; they often occur in predisposed persons. Frostbite involves tissue destruction and must be examined by a doctor as soon as possible. Our […]

Chickenpox, Herpes Zoster

Our Experience The homeopathic treatment for herpes zoster must be started very early. It reduces the risk for postherpetic neuralgia. The allopathic treatment for herpes zoster must be started as soon as possible—within 72 hours of the first cutaneous symptoms. Antiviral treatment must be prescribed:* To patients with ophthalmic zoster. To immunocompromised patients. To immunocompetent […]

Burns, Sunburn

Our Experience A burn on a small area can be treated by a pharmacist. Second-degree burns or blisters smaller than 3 inches can be treated like first-degree burns. More severe burns should be examined by a doctor. The homeopathic treatment can be topical (ointment) or systemic (pellets). Our Recommendations Use a sunscreen with at least […]