Archive by Author

Hot Flashes

Our Experience Hot flashes occur before and during menopause. Menopause can be physiological (no periods for a year) or caused by surgical removal of the ovaries. Our Recommendations Sleep in a cool room. Avoid drinking alcohol and coffee. Therapeutic Background Black cohosh, Dong quai: Their effectiveness is controversial, and they have side effects and interactions. […]

Hoarseness, Loss of Voice

Our Experience This protocol is especially useful for coaches, singers, teachers and speakers, who should use the recommended medicines as soon as their voices are strained. Our Recommendations Rest your voice as much as possible. Avoid dust, tobacco and fumes, which can irritate the throat. Wear a scarf. Therapeutic Background Drops and lozenges with menthol, […]


Our Experience Hives are an allergic reaction to some foods, medicines, insect stings or materials such as latex. The skin is raised with red or white welts and itches, stings or burns. Our Recommendations Try to identify the food or substance that may have caused your hives. Take a bath in cool water with uncooked […]


Our Experience Hemorrhoids are often caused by constipation, drinking too much alcohol, or eating spicy foods. They can also result from poor venous circulation. Our Recommendations Avoid constipation by eating foods high in fiber and staying hydrated. Avoid spicy foods and alcohol. Carefully cleanse your anal region after each bowel movement. See also: Heavy legs […]

Heavy Legs, Varicose Veins

Our Experience Leg pain and varicose veins from poor venous circulation affect mostly women, especially during pregnancy. However, men can also suffer from heavy legs and varicose veins. Our Recommendations Get regular exercise and lose some weight, if necessary. Try not to stand too long. Avoid excessive heat, like a sauna or steam room. Stay […]

Hay Fever

Our Experience According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 17.1 million adults and 7.1 million children reported hay fever symptoms in the United States in 2010. The homeopathic treatment allows the patient to use fewer antihistamines, which can be reserved for evening use. Our Recommendations Saline solution or a neti pot can […]


Our Experience Gas pains should be transitory and can easily be relieved by homeopathic treatment and a change in eating habits. Our Recommendations Eat in a relaxed atmosphere, and do not eat too much if you are in a rush. Eat smaller meals and chew thoroughly. Do not gulp your food. Eating candies, chewing gum […]

Frostnip, Chilblains

Our Experience Frostnip is a superficial cooling of tissue without lesions. Chilblains are superficial ulcers caused by suddenly heating a part of the body (fingers or toes) that has been exposed to cold; they often occur in predisposed persons. Frostbite involves tissue destruction and must be examined by a doctor as soon as possible. Our […]

Flu Like Symptoms

Our Experience ⚠ Older people, people with pre-existing conditions such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes, and babies are more at risk for complications. The patient’s family should keep Oscillococcinum® on hand. Our Recommendations Stay in bed and rest. Drink plenty of fluids. Discard tissues after use in a closed container. Ventilate the room regularly. Wash […]


Our Recommendations Reduce the temperature of the bedroom if it is too warm. Make sure the patient stays hydrated. ⚠ Febrile seizures: Call for emergency assistance if seizures last more than 10 minutes. Otherwise, see a physician to determine the cause of the fever. Therapeutic Background Acetaminophen for high fever, but wait 6 hours between […]